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manuscript critique | reviewing manuscript for alignment with purpose, genre, and intended audience and providing critical feedback for success

Consists of: delivering in-line comments throughout manuscript and a completed questionnaire with detailed feedback on characters and their development, pacing, dialogue, continuity, tone, and plot; flagging content that may require sensitivity reader review; marking inconsistencies

proofreading | cold-reading typeset materials or reviewing them against original manuscript


Consists of: correcting spelling and grammar errors, checking page numbers, ensuring attractive typography and formatting, marking incorrect word breaks, etc.


copy editing | reviewing fully developed manuscript prior to typesetting

Consists of: correcting spelling and grammar errors; editing for style, consistency, and clarity; minor fact-checking; reformatting heading levels; correcting inconsistencies per style sheets; etc.



developmental editingtransforming early manuscript into compelling, appealing, comprehensible content


Consists of: editing for comprehension and appeal, cutting content to reach specified word count, recasting sentences for flow, correcting inconsistencies, relocating portions of manuscript and improving transitions for readability, eliminating wordiness, improving word choice, etc.



rewriting transmuting rough manuscript into polished content

Consists of: completely rewriting existing manuscript with a focus on smooth, dynamic diction, ensuring alignment of content with purpose, genre, and intended audience

project management outlining plans for producing your content and holding collaborators accountable to make it happen

consulting and process developmentcrafting simple, comprehensive, and efficient content creation processes for you or your content-creation business


Optional add-on for any service: 1-hour follow-up consultation via phone



Ask me about my referral bonuses or rush options, and let me know if you have content development needs outside the scope described above. Let's collaborate on solutions!

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